Noir Vanguard is all about being your #GlowUpGuide. As the old African American proverb says, “those who grow together, glow together.” Or is it "those who pray together, stay together"? Either way, you get my point. To continue to usher in a little bougie energy, we’re putting away basic cocktails for the summer. Leave the crown and coke on the shelf and get creative with your drink orders and drink recipes.
Here are 3 fancy drinks that you can easily make at home or order at your favorite restaurant. These drinks are tasty and look yummy in pictures.
#1: The Strawberry Minty Skirt

#2: The Blueberry Blusher

#3: The Livid Lemonade

These are the perfect drinks to wow your guests or to treat your self! Give it a try and post your photos with #BougieHourDrinks so I can see your creation.